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Step-by-Step Instructions For Setting Up A Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer With Leviton

Google Home users looking to enhance their smart home setup with the Leviton Decora Style Smart Dimmer will find this step-by-step guide invaluable. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of setting up and integrating your Leviton smart dimmer with Google Home for seamless voice-controlled lighting. By following these detailed instructions, you’ll be able to enjoy the convenience and flexibility of adjusting your home lighting with just a simple voice command.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensure compatibility: Check the compatibility of the Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton before starting the setup process to avoid any issues.
  • Follow step-by-step instructions: Carefully follow the provided step-by-step instructions to properly set up the dimmer with your Google Home and ensure its seamless integration with your smart home system.
  • Test the functionality: After completing the setup, test the dimmer to confirm that it is working correctly with your Google Home and that you can efficiently control the lighting using voice commands or the Google Home app.

Preparing for Installation

Tools and Materials Needed

With the installation of a Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer by Leviton, you will require the following tools and materials: a voltage tester, wire cutters, wire nuts, a flathead screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, electrical tape, a pencil, and of course, the Leviton Smart Dimmer kit.

Safety Precautions

One important safety precaution to take before starting the installation is to turn off the power to the circuit you will be working on at the breaker box. This will prevent any accidents or electrical shocks while handling the wires.

To ensure your safety, always treat electrical connections with caution. Test wires with a voltage tester to make sure they are not live before touching them. Additionally, it is advisable to wear protective gear such as gloves and safety goggles throughout the installation process.

Installation Process

Wiring the Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer

An imperative step in setting up your Google Home compatible Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer is to ensure proper wiring. Begin by turning off the power to the existing switch at the circuit breaker. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions to identify the line, load, and ground wires. Connect these wires to the corresponding terminals on the smart dimmer, ensuring a secure connection.

Securing the Dimmer to the Wall

With the wiring complete, the next step is to secure the Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer to the wall. Use the provided screws to attach the dimmer to the electrical box. Make sure the dimmer is flush with the wall surface to ensure a proper fit. Once secure, restore power at the circuit breaker and test the dimmer to ensure it is functioning correctly.

When securing the dimmer to the wall, be mindful of the orientation to ensure easy access to the dimmer switch. Additionally, ensure that the dimmer is securely fastened to avoid any movement or accidents. Following these steps will ensure a successful installation of your Google Home compatible Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer.

Setting Up the Google Home App

Connecting to Wi-Fi

With the Google Home app open on your smartphone or tablet, navigate to the ‘Add’ section and select ‘Set up device’. Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton to your Wi-Fi network. Make sure you have the right Wi-Fi credentials handy to ensure a smooth setup process.

Integrating Leviton Decora with Google Home

For seamless integration between your Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer and Google Home, you first need to link your Leviton account with your Google Home app. Go to the ‘Home Control’ section in the app, click on the ‘+’ icon, and select ‘Leviton’. Sign in with your Leviton account credentials to authorize the connection between the two devices. Once linked, you can control your smart dimmer using voice commands through Google Home.

To enhance the functionality of your Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer with Google Home, consider setting up routines and scenes within the Google Home app. This will allow you to customize and automate your smart home lighting experience further, providing convenience and efficiency at your fingertips.

Using Your Smart Dimmer

Basic Commands and Controls

Many people find the convenience of controlling their lights with voice commands irresistible. To turn your lights on or off, simply say “Hey Google, turn on the living room lights” or “Hey Google, dim the kitchen lights to 50%”. You can also control your dimmer using the Google Home app on your smartphone or tablet.

Customizing Settings and Schedules

Commands to adjust the brightness, set schedules, or create scenes can enhance your smart dimmer experience. For example, you can say “Hey Google, set the dinner scene in the dining room” to adjust the lights for a cozy mealtime ambiance. You can also customize settings like fade rates and minimum brightness levels for personalized daily routines.

For instance, you can schedule the lights to gradually brighten in the morning to gently wake you up, or set them to automatically dim in the evening for a relaxing atmosphere. These customizable settings allow you to tailor your smart dimmer to fit your lifestyle and preferences seamlessly.


Common Issues and Fixes

Any installation involving technology can sometimes present challenges. If your Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton is not working as expected, there are a few common issues you may encounter with corresponding fixes. For example, if the dimmer is not connecting to your Wi-Fi network, you can try resetting the device and reconfiguring it through the app. Or if the dimmer is not responding to voice commands, make sure it is properly linked to your Google Home device. These simple fixes can often resolve most issues quickly and easily.

When to Seek Professional Help

To ensure the functionality and safety of your Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer, there are instances where seeking professional help is necessary. If you have followed all troubleshooting steps and the dimmer still does not work, it may indicate a more complex technical issue that requires professional assessment. Electricians with experience in smart home technology can diagnose the problem and provide solutions to get your dimmer back on track.

When considering professional help, always prioritize safety and expertise to avoid any further complications or damage to your smart dimmer.

To wrap up

As a reminder, setting up a Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton is a straightforward process that involves connecting the dimmer to your Wi-Fi network, downloading the My Leviton app, and linking it to your Google Home device. By following the step-by-step instructions provided, you can easily integrate your dimmer into your smart home ecosystem and start enjoying the convenience and control it offers. With this setup, you can adjust the lighting in your home with just your voice or through the app, adding a layer of sophistication and efficiency to your daily routines. Embrace the future of smart lighting technology with Leviton’s innovative dimmer and make your home smarter and more energy-efficient today.


Q: What is a Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton?

A: The Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton is a smart dimmer switch that can be controlled remotely using your smartphone or voice commands through Google Home devices.

Q: What are the benefits of using a Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton?

A: The benefits of using this smart dimmer include convenience in controlling your lights remotely, energy savings through dimming capabilities, and integration with other smart home devices for a seamless home automation experience.

Q: How do I set up a Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton?

A: To set up the smart dimmer, you need to install it in place of your existing switch, connect it to your home Wi-Fi network, and then link it to your Google Home app for control.

Q: Can I schedule or automate the lighting with the Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton?

A: Yes, you can schedule lighting routines, set timers, or automate the dimmer to turn on/off at specific times using the Leviton app or through Google Home routines for added convenience.

Q: Is it safe to use a Google Home Decora Style Smart Dimmer with Leviton?

A: Yes, the smart dimmer is designed with safety features such as overcurrent protection and is UL-listed for quality assurance, ensuring a safe and reliable lighting control solution for your home.

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